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Parking Lot Safety

We all know that it can get very busy in the parking lot before and after school.  Please do the following to help make it safe for both students and drivers.

Bus Lane Safety Rule
Please do not enter the bus lane in front of the school.  This lane is for buses only, do not use this lane for dropping off or picking up students.  if you choose to park on the street, it is important to enter the school grounds on the sidewak and not through the bus lane/staff parkinga rea in front of the building.

General Parking Lot Safety

  • Keep an eye out for students as you drive through the parking lot.
  • Check behind you thoroughly before backing up.

Morning Parking Lot Safety
Enter the East end of the parking lot and stay to the far right, getting in line to drop off your student.  Use the inside lane to find a parking spot further on in the parking lot if you'll be doing more than dropping off your student.  Do Not enter or block the bus lane when bringing students to school.

Afternoon Parking Lot Safety
Again, enter the East end of the parking lot and use the right lane for getting in line to pick up or drop off your student.  The inside lane is for driving through  the parking lot or to find a place to park. If the right lane is backed up to the entrance, continue in the left lane through the parking lot to a parking spot or park on the street at the West end of the building.

Parking Lot Courtesy
Please do not block someone who has pulled into a parking space and is trying to back out.  If you have blocked someone, please make sure you move to allow them out of the spot when needed.

Office Check-In
We welcome visitors at McKinney!  Please check-in at the office by entering through our front doors.  You will sign in and get a visitor pass.  Please wear this pass in a visible way while you are visiting or volunteering at McKinney.

Thank you for helping keep our parking lot safe for students and staff!