W.V. McKinney Elementary
School Goals
School Improvement Goals
At McKinney, we are working hard so that each child will reach his or her highest academic and social potential. To do this, we are focusing on the following school improvement goals:
- Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into as much of our learning as possible each day to be a great STEM school!
- Teachers will continue to use the Engineering and Design Process through Project-Based learning each year.
- Our instruction will support access for all students by using intentional language supports and scaffolds in all content areas.
- Increase students ability to write with stamina and accuracy for a specific audience.
- Students will be able to positively contribute to the learning environment by being SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE. We will be a "Wellness School" with a focus on self-regulation and a proactive approach to positive behavior.
- Improve our attendance so that all students attend more than 91% of the school days. Come ready to learn on time, everyday!
These goals are decided upon by our SITE Council which is made up of the principal, teachers, parents, and community partners. Let the principal know if you want to be a part of our SITE Council.
If you want the specific steps to meet these goals, please talk with the principal. He will be happy to share the great things happening at McKinney!